Shyamala Navratri Manyu Pasupata Havan
Benefits :- To protect from Jealousy from opponents To protect against lawsuits
(If you are a returing users, please enter mobile number given during last visit to the site)
Additional Info.

Very Important Note :
  1. Please keep practicing your daily prayers and meditate 20 minutes in silence.
  2. Please recite (Mantra) Sri Matre Namaha
  3. Please light a candle or ghee lamp in front of the altar in your home daily. Please ensure that the burning lamp meets all the fire safety standards. Do not leave your residence while leaving the lamp or candle burning. VYASI is not responsible for any fire accidents, injuries caused due to the burning of lamps, candles left unattended, or otherwise. You are totally responsible for the safety of the burning lamp.
  4. Performed At : Kasi, India

Terms & Conditions :
The Havan payments are final and non-refundable.
Disclaimer :
I Request VYASI (Vedic Yajna Astro Solutions India) to perform the above-mentioned Poojas / Havans and agree to the above terms. The Puja/Havan will help to remove negative karma and help to co-create positive future karma. They work by divine power, however, it is important that I make every effort to comply with the instructions received and have faith and continue prayers. I agree that by participating in the VYASI Vedic Remdies, any knowledge gained will not be used as a substitute for health care treatment, programs, or advice normally received from doctors, lawyers, or financial advisors. VYASI does not make any warranties or representations concerning any specific results or effects.
Your Valuable comments / suggestions for VYASI (Vedic Yajna Astro Solutions India)
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DISCLAIMER: I request VYASI (Vedic Yajna Astro Solutions India) to perform the mentioned Poojas / Havans and agree to the above terms. The Poojas / Havans will help to remove negative karma and help to co-create positive future karma. They work by divine power, however, it is important that I make every effort to comply with the instructions received and have faith and continue prayers. I agree that by participating in the VYASI (Vedic Yajna Astro Solutions India) any knowledge gained will not be used as a substitute for health care treatment, programs, or advice normally received from doctors, lawyers, or financial advisors. VYASI (Vedic Yajna Astro Solutions India) does not make any warranties or representations concerning any specific results or effects.