
Daily Havans are specially designed by Punditji and are performed every day of the month. One can choose a recurring, sponsorship for long term benefit or just a single month. These Daily Havans cover life’s day to day essentials. They are designed to keep provide for essential needs along with protection for them, their family, and their businesses.

Pundit Sharma Samavedula applies his immense Vedic knowledge, extensive experience, and wisdom to his clients’ needs. These Havans are very powerful and cover all major life essentials such as: good health, abundance of wealth, lasting peace & prosperity, smooth flow of life, amicable relationships at both the personal and professional levels, reduces stress and worries, removes negative energies, thoughts, or bad karma. Spiritual protection and development are included along with the material benefits. These Havans bring peace to family relationships and in business.

Daily Havans use a very special combination of energies: Vedic Scientific knowledge, Vedic principles, Divine assistance and the support of nature. These Daily Havans help all those in need. Those participating in these Havans will find support and improvement in their overall quality of life. One comes to enjoy life at its fullest and then treads the path to Moksha.

Daily Havans ’ services cover five main personal aspects of life: Health, Wealth, Relationships, Negativity balance and Spirituality.

Health – Daily Havans rejuvenate prana (life force) in the body and bring about physically improvement. They maintain a calm mental equilibrium, emotional balance, maintain peace, increased self-confidence and reduce stress. Both physical and mental health develop nicely.

Wealth & Prosperity – Daily Havans increase financial prospects, wealth, potential business prospects, cash flow and recurring gains. This Havan balances the planetary influences in your favor.

Relationships – Daily Havans bring clear thoughts, balance in speech, and an open mindset. This in turn affects all relationships: family, romantic, friends and professional. An appealing nature and open approach are keys to success.

Negativity neutralized – We perform special Navagraha prayers and Homas in the daily Havans. Daily Havans sponsors reduce or completely neutralize any negative energy along with negative thoughts and feelings. They also protect from bad, heavy energy, evil spirits. Most importantly, they prevent any returning negativity. Malefic planetary in daily transitions are squarely addressed through these daily Havans.

Spirituality & Enlightenment –
 Daily Havans sponsors’ positive karma is fostered in these daily Havans. Spiritual life and development are fundamentally important for all of us. Our current positive karma delineates not just the future, but also our soul’s journey in the hereafter.
Positive traits such as: kindness, generosity, charity, empathy with others in distress are fundamental to spirtuality. These traits together form one’s good nature and serve as the first step in salvation. These Daily Havans gradually increase and generate these traits. As one’s own life is filled with peace, happiness, and contentment, they naturally evolve and grow spiritually. One’s gaze and interest steadily turns inward toward spirituality through the energy generated in these Havans.

Daily Havans classifications:

Daily Havans are classified into three categories:

Punditji classifies the Daily Havans into three groups to mark the difference in the results. This difference stems from the intensity of the Havans’ energy. This energy and intensity varies from person to person and is reflected in the natal chart, planetary positions and constellations and personal situation. In short, each person’s needs are different. Punditji takes all factors into consideration and prescribes the correct Daily Havan for his clients.

1.Daily Individual Personal Havans (Exclusively only for you) ($501.00 per month)

The first Havan category, powerful and effective results are generated for a particular individual. Two well trained Vedic Pundits perform the customized Daily Havans over one month. This powerful Havan handles the five essential aspects of life: health, wealth, peace, prosperity and enlightenment. Individual and group options are available, along with monthly, quarterly,bi-annual and annual options. The annual Daily Havan comes with a discount.
Contact us at: info@vyasi.in

Daily Group Personal Havans (You will be one of the group member) ($301.00 per month)

Two to three highly trained Vedic Pundits perform these Havans daily for an entire month. The result is a focused collective consciousness between multiple individuals (15-20 people). The results are always positive. We have monthly, quarterly, bi-annual and annual options. The annual Daily Havan comes with a discount.
Contact us at: info@vyasi.in

Daily Individual Business Havans (Exclusively for your business) ( $501.00 per month)

These Havans improve and develop business opportunities, increase prosperity, and bring better return on investments. These Havans are very powerful and highly effective. Individual Business Havans focus solely on the particular individual and business. We have monthly, quarterly, bi-annual and annual options. The annual Daily havan comes with a discount.
Contact us at: info@vyasi.in

Daily Group Business Havans (Your business will be one of the group of business) ($301.00 per month)
Two to three highly trained Vedic Pundits perform these Havans daily for an entire month. The result is a focused collective consciousness between multiple businesses. These group business Havans (15-20 people per group) yield positive business results. We have monthly, quarterly, bi-annual and annual options. The annual Daily Havan comes with a discount.
Contact us at: 

Two to four highly trained Pundits perform these Havans over one month. These Havans are done for individuals’ personal as well as business’ lives. The same processes as in the Individual Havans and the Individual Business Havans are carried out, however at a $200.00 discount given that they are performed together. We have monthly, quarterly, bi-annual and annual options. The annual Daily Havan comes with a discount.
Contact us at: info@vyasi.in

Combination of Individual Personal and Individual Business Havans ($801.00 per month)

Two to four highly trained Pundits perform these Havans over one month. These Havans are done for individuals’ personal as well as business’ lives. The same processes as in the Individual Havans and the Individual Business Havans are carried out, however at a $200.00 discount given that they are performed together. We have monthly, quarterly, bi-annual and annual options. The annual Daily Havan comes with a discount.
Contact us at: info@vyasi.in

2. Daily Rudrabhishekam and Chandi Havans ($151.00 per month)
(Recitation of Devi Mahatmiyam 700 verses):

Daily Rudrabhishekam & Chandi Havans are customized & performed by two to three highly trained and experienced Vedic Pundits over a month. They perform Ekadasa Rudrabhishekam, Chandi Havan (Durga Paath) along with a fire ritual on the full moon day. This ceremony has a powerful effect on Divine protection, overcoming difficulties, and improving your material and spiritual lives. We have monthly, quarterly, bi-annual and annual options.

3. Daily Rudrabhishekam Havans (97.00 per month)
Two to three highly trained, experienced Vedic Pundits perform these Havans over on month. They conduct the Ekadasa Rudrabhishekam daily. This brings Divine protection and eases both material and spiritual life. We have monthly, quarterly, bi-annual and annual options.

Daily Rudrabhishekam Havans
Personal & Business Havans
Daily Group Business Havans
Daily Exclusive Business Havans
Daily Group Personal Havans
Daily Exclusive Personal Havans
Daily Rudra & Chandi Havans
DISCLAIMER: I request VYASI (Vedic Yajna Astro Solutions India) to perform the mentioned Poojas / Havans and agree to the above terms. The Poojas / Havans will help to remove negative karma and help to co-create positive future karma. They work by divine power, however, it is important that I make every effort to comply with the instructions received and have faith and continue prayers. I agree that by participating in the VYASI (Vedic Yajna Astro Solutions India) any knowledge gained will not be used as a substitute for health care treatment, programs, or advice normally received from doctors, lawyers, or financial advisors. VYASI (Vedic Yajna Astro Solutions India) does not make any warranties or representations concerning any specific results or effects.